RAJARSHI SHAHU COLLEGE OF PHARMACY, BULDHANA REPORT OF CAMPUS RECRUITMENT TRAINING PROGRAMME 26th JULY 2018 Campus recruitment training Programme was conducted by training and placement & entrepreneurship development cell Rajarshi Shahu College of pharmacy, Buldhana on 26th July 2018. The session was started with sarsawati pujan by dignitaries present for workshop. The floral welcome of Mr. Pravin kendale was done by Principal Dr.S.P.Jain on dice HOD’s of all respective department were welcome by Mr. Deepak Bhusari, Dr.Vikram Sancheti, Mr. Madhav Chakolkar, and Mr. Parmeshwar Devhare. A brief introduction of guest was given by Dr.Kewatkar. Dr.S.P.Jain sir (principal RSCP Buldhana) has expressed his views on importance and need of such workshop for campus recruitment. Mr.Pravin Kendale Director XED club Amravati, started session by interacting with students and guided the students regarding Group Discussion, communication skills, language Soft Skill Development, confidence building. He has also guided the students about Resume writing, personal grooming, email etiquettes. Around 95 students including B.pharm final year and Diploma Second year were present for workshop. The workshop was very descriptive and conceptual. Students have collected all necessary needs for the betterment of their campus selection. The votes of thanks proposed by Mr.Madhav Chakolkar, Assistant professor, Rajarshi Shahu College of pharmacy, Buldhana. The workshop was really life-long Experience to students.