We are happy to inform you that, we have successfully conducted the session on “Career
Counseling and GPAT Exam Preparation.” The session was conducted on 2n d of March, 2023 at
the classroom hall of Rajarshi Shahu College of Pharmacy, Buldhana.
For this session we have invited a guest speaker, Ms. Maimuna Bombaywala who is
founder and Mentor of BCC online GPAT Coaching Institute and also an Asst Professor at P.
Wadhwani College of Pharmacy, Yawatmal. She has 21 years of rich experience in teaching.
She is been mentoring the students of B. Pharm since last 20 years. She delivered her session and
tried to cover the important topics of the GPAT and NIPER entrance exam. The event was
successfully completed with the kind support of all the faculty members, staff members and
students of RSCP, Buldana. We are thankful to Hon’ble Management and Principal Sir for their
support in successful conduction of the event.