A felicitation program for the students who had qualified in national level entrance exam for admission to Post graduate courses i.e., GPAT and NIPER was successfully conducted. In the year 2022-23, 19 students from our college qualified GPAT exam and 13 students have qualified for NIPER. The felicitation event was organized on 2nd August 2023 at the seminar hall of Rajarshi Shahu college of Pharmacy. We have also invited the parents of the students for felicitation. Students and parents were felicitated by hon’ble principal sir by offering a certificate of appreciation and a pen drive of 16GB storage capacity to every student. As per the policy of competitive exam cell decided in agreement with management and principal, the student who secured rank between 501-100 had been awarded with a cash prize of 1000/- each. This award was sanctioned under Dwarka Memorial award for students.
We have invited and felicitated the parents of the successful students, because it is their hard work too, which brings best out of them. The program was co-ordinated by Dr. V. P. Sonar and Mr. R. G. Diware. Mr. S. D. Tayade, Mr. S. K. Vibhute, Dr. Sangam Kanthale, Dr. Vijay Borkar, Mr. Sachin Borikar, Mr. Deepak Bhusari, Mr Rohit Salkute, Miss. Deepali Tapre, Miss. Snehal Deshmane, Mr Pandurang Bhosale, Mr. Sunil Bhosle and Mr. Abdul Maajid have contributed significantly for successful completion of the event. Program was concluded with the advisory remark of Hon’ble Principal Dr. S P Jain, followed by photo session and snacks.
Co-ordinating committee is thankful to all the staff members, non-teaching staff and all the students of PG and final year , who have contributed in successful conduction of the event.