I.I.C of Rajarshi Shahu College of pharmacy Buldana has again taken an initiative to fetch the competition an inter-college ‘Business Plan Competition’. The competition was organized on 22 May, 2022 in classroom, of College. The event was organized with the objective to vitalize student entrepreneurs and support the growth of jobs. In order to strive for the business competition prizes, there must be a serious the proposed event was foster and entrepreneurial skills of young adults. The event felicitation of In the Business Plan Competition 2023 total 14 students from institutes participated. There were two rounds were required to judge the presentation based on innovation, justification of idea, content, confidence and query handling etc. The event started with the description and rules & regulations about the event Students were given 5-7 minute time to present their ideas after which there were questions were put up to them by the judges as well as the students. The prudent decision taken judge selected the evolutes students of decided criteria for the Winner on the bases 1st 2nd 3rd price were distributed 1st price given to Mr Danish ahemad & 2nd to Ms. Sadhana Bhise by events chief guest Dr S.P. Jain, 3rd Price Given to Ms. Vaishnavi Jadhao.