Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, Amravati has been organized Research Convention for Students – Avishkar 2022 at University level for participants selected on district level at SGBAU, Amravati on dated 16-17 Dec 2022. The 2 groups of entries (1-PG and 1-PPG category) from Rajarshi Shahu College of Pharamcy (RSCP), Buldana has been selected at district level and invited to participate at university level in Medicine and Pharmacy category.
In PG category, the students have cleared first round of poster presentation and in second round of oral presentation, Mr. Ganesh Mahajan and Mr. Gaurav Chitode, won second place in
the PG category at University level and will going to represent the SGBAU, Amravati at state level. They have developed a model titled "Modified zero maze: an animal model of Neurospychopharmacology”, under the guidance of Dr. Sachin Borikar, Assistant Professor, Department of Pharamcology, RSCP, Buldana. Mr. Parmeshwar Devhare, Assistant professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry had also participated in PPG category, has cleared the first round of poster presentation and reaches second round. He delivered his research entitled Design, synthesis, and
pharmacological investigation of novel thienopyridin;, prepared under the guidance of Dr. S. P.
Jain, Principal, RSCP, Buldana. The Hon’ble Management and Respected Principal of RSCP, Buldana have appreciated and congratulated the all winner and participants for their efforts and dedications for their project works.