Rajarshi Shahu College of Pharmacy, Buldhana’s IIC Cell and NSS unit attended Online MIC Driven Activity on the occasion of National Technology Week. This program was Inaugurated by key address of Hon’ble Prime Minister of India Mr. Narendra Modiji . It was started at 10.30 AM, 11th May 2023.
We were delighted by attending this mega event which was happened with collective involvement from 11 government agencies and ministries which will see more than 500 technology start-ups and innovations to be showcased.
“The Government of India declared May 11 as National Technology Day in the year 1999 and since then the day holds a special significance for the entire Nation. With India progressing at a fast pace in the field of Science, Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, the theme for this year’s National Technology Day is School to Startups – Igniting Young Minds”.
MoE’s Innovation Cell was invited the above as a MIC Driven Activity for our all Institution’s Innovation Councils (IICs) to observe the National Technology Day and all IIC units throughout India watched this inaugural address of the Hon’ble Prime Minister, as it was broadcasted to all students in schools and higher education institutions via webcast
(Link to Join: pmindiawebcast.nic.in ).
At this time, all the Teaching staff, students were present at witnessed the brain storming session