Rajarshi Shahu College of Pharmacy, Buldhana in association with APTI,
On the occasion of “World Pharmacist Day”
RSCP Manthan 2022 event.
Date: 24th Sept 2022
Time: 10:00am
In this events , competition of Elocution and Extempore are going to be conduced physically by NSS unit of RSCP in RSCP campus.
Separate Cash prizes for both competition.
Participant can participate in one event ONLY
This event is open for all the pharmacy students in India. All the rules of this competition are as shown in attached flyer.
All the brain storming minded students are invited and requested to register for this competition by using this Google form.
Registration Link: https://forms.gle/s2desu3HYPTTVFnf9
For Any Query Contact to
Mr. Somnath Vibhute -9325043899
Mr. Rohit Salkute -9860080013
Dr. Shirish Jain,
Principal, RSCP,Buldhana
Vice President,APTI , Maharashtra