Rajarshi Shahu college of Pharmacy, Buldhana’s Computer Department arranged certificate course of “Hand on Computer Hardware and Software” for third year students of B. Pharmacy. As per the instruction by respected principal sir, B. Pharmacy third year students should have practical exposure to Computer hardware and software. For this reason, computer department arrange this certificate course to enhance skill set of students. In this , five hours daily allocated to different topics. In which, assembling computer hardware, Computer networking , hands on MS Word tool, Hand On MS Excel, Data base Management, Computer Operating System and Google form for information gathering , these topics were covered practically. On the basis of assessment given to students after demonstration, observation of students noted by co-ordinator and team. On this basis certificate were distributed to participant in presence of respected principal Dr. Shirish Jain and all HOD’s. In this course, Hardware and Networking expert Mr. Shivam Rindhe were guided our students and Co-ordinator Mr. Rohit Salkute was taken sessions of software handling. Students were benefited by this allied subjects course.