Rajarshi Shahu College of Pharmacy, Buldana has organized a guest lecture on Drug Safety Assertion: Past, Present, and Future for the students of B.Pharma Final Year on 27/02/2019. The Guest invited was Mr. Anand Attal who is Lead Medical Writer – Scientific Writing and regulatory affairs associated with Sciformix Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Dr. S.P. Jain, Principal of RSCP, Buldana felicitated Mr. Anand Attal, Mr. Rushikesh Diware has introduced the guest speaker and Mr. Shadan Ahmed has introduced the topic of the guest lecture to the students. In the lecture Mr. Anand Attal has explore all the details about Medical Writings, pharmacovigilance, drug discovery, drug Development ( Target Identification, Target Validation, Lead Identification), Patent- Protecting Intellectual Property, Drug Development processes Clinical trials, safety regulations etc. At the end of the session Dr. Shailesh M Kewatkar has expressed vote of thanks to Respected Principal Sir, Mr. Anand Attal , Teaching, non teaching and supporting staff and students of RSCP, Buldana