Rajarshi Shahu College of Pharmacy
Dwarka Bahuddeshiya Gramin Vikas Foundation’s

Rajarshi Shahu College of Pharmacy

At & Post – Malvihir, Buldana, 443001, M.S., India
Affiliated to Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, Amravati | Estd. in 2012
Accredited with A+ Grade (CGPA 3.3) by NAAC, Bangalore | Gold Category in AICTE-CII Survey| Approved by PCI and AICTE, New Delhi | ISO 9001:2015 Certified


Plastic Pollution Free Environment Pledge Program

On the occasion of birth anniversary of Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi, National Service Scheme unit of  Rajarshi Shahu College of Pharmacy, Buldana has organized Plastic Pollution Free Environment Pledge Program on 17 th September  in the college campus. The main objective of the programme was to create environment awareness in the students & hazards of plastics to humans & animals. For this celebration the President of college, Shri. Dhurpatraoji Sawlale Saheb were present as chief guest he address to the students he explain the hazards of plastics pollution for environments. On this occasion he gave the Plastic Pollution Free Environment Pledge to students and planted the tree in the college campus.    

On the occasion Dr. P. N. Kendre (HOD of pharmaceutics). NSS Progrmme officer Mr. Y. B. Ubarhande, Co- NSS Progrmme officer Miss A. Kakde, all teaching & Non-teaching staff members, NSS volunteers & B. Pharm students were present.

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